Remembering Dick Loomer

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Dick Loomer passed away last week after returning to hospital once again to treat complications from an almost four year fight with lymphoma. Like countless other occasions there and at home, his loving partner Linda was by his side to support him through this final fight. In typical Dick fashion, he insisted no funeral or memorial be held in his honour.

Dick was well-known and respected in the choral community in British Columbia and far beyond. Together with his late wife Diane, they were instrumental in supporting and developing a very wide range of choral initiatives from which we continue to benefit today. Chief among these was Cypress Publishing, which took root and grew in Dick Loomer’s New Westminster offices.

Dick was a great guy with an immense heart which was governed by a very thoughtful mind. Please share this message with your friends and families.

Our condolences go out to his son Dan Loomer and family. May your father rest in peace.

Willi Zwozdesky
Executive Director – BC Choral Federation