Lend your voice to a special edition of the National Youth Choir of Canada, coinciding with Canada’s 150th birthday! Calgary’s Timothy Shantz will be leading the ensemble this year. From now until February 10*, young singers from around the country can apply to audition for this world-class opportunity. (You must be between the ages of 18 and […]
Read MoreAPPLY NOW: National Youth Choir of Canada 2017
‘A Voice for Life’ – coming to your community Feb. 2017!
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Victoria Meredith will be presenting a series of workshops in early 2017, with a focus on lifelong singing. A Professor of choral music at Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of Music, Dr. Meredith maintains an active career as a guest conductor, workshop clinician, adjudicator and author. In these interactive sessions, […]
Read MoreChoral Canada launches first-ever national choral census!
Choir reps are strongly encouraged to fill out the 15-minute survey on behalf of their ensemble. We ALL benefit from these findings, and there are fabulous prizes to be won! Choral Canada is conducting a national choral census to better understand the scope of Canada’s choral landscape. This project is the first of its kind […]
Read MoreSeniors’ Chorfest… coming April 18-20, 2017
Kent Street Choristers director Gale Lindenthaler gives you the rundown on Seniors Chorfest 2017, coming to White Rock on April 18-20 under the direction of guest clinician Paul Cummings! Please join us for two days of workshops, followed by a gala concert – a celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday and Canadian music! Our clinician will […]
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