We need your input! Join a focus group discussion for our new BCCF Strategic Plan

Invitation to Participate in BCCF’s Strategic Planning Focus Group Discussions

The Power of Discourse team, in collaboration with the BC Choral Federation, is extending a warm invitation to all Members to participate in virtual or in-person focus groups scheduled between February and April 2024. Virtual focus groups will take place over Zoom while in-person focus groups will take place in Vernon, Vancouver, and Victoria. These 90-minute sessions are designed to provide an open and engaging space for you to share your perspectives, needs, challenges, and aspirations for your local choirs and the BCCF in general.

Why Your Participation Matters:

Your input is invaluable as we seek to understand the unique needs and goals of BCCF’s diverse membership. These focus groups will play a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction of the organization and ensuring that initiatives align closely with the aspirations of BCCF’s vibrant community.

Key Focus Areas:

During the focus groups, we aim to explore the following key areas:

  • Local Choirs/Individuals: What are the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of your local choirs? How can the BC Choral Federation further support you?
  • Future Goals: What do you envision for the BC Choral Federation? How can the organization best serve you and foster a thriving choral landscape in British Columbia?

How to Participate:

If you are interested in participating in one of these focus groups, please fill out the short form below. You will be able to indicate your preferred time slot and location, whether virtual or in-person, and accommodation requests. Once you register, you will receive more in-depth information on what to expect and location details.

Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/r/YMQR0SzRnb

Your involvement will undoubtedly contribute to the richness of our discussions and provide valuable insights that will shape the future of the BC Choral Federation.

We appreciate your time and commitment. If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please contact ruth@powerofdiscourse.com.