Looking for Chorfest concert tickets? Click here!
Tickets are now on sale for all three of our 2025 BCCF Chorfest events:
BCCF Seniors Chorfest Gala Concert (White Rock)
“Colours of Spring”
Thursay, April 10
7 PM
White Rock Baptist Church
(1657-140th Street, Surrey)
BCCF Upper Voices Chorfest Gala Concert (Nanaimo)
“Sing the World Better”
Saturday, May 24
7:30 PM
Coast Bastion Hotel
(11 Bastion St, Nanaimo)
BCCF Lower Voices Chorfest Gala Concert (Courtenay)
“Anchors Aweigh!”
Saturday, May 31
7 PM
Native Sons Hall
(360 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay)