Sing the World Better! BCCF Chorfest for Upper (SSAA) Voices
Nanaimo – May 23 – 24, 2025
Clinician: Kellie Walsh (Lady Cove – St. John’s, NL)
Nanaimo Sings! is delighted to join with the BC Choral Federation to present “Sing the World Better!” – a treble voice Chorfest! We are very excited to welcome Kellie Walsh to work with us. Kellie has so much to offer us in terms of vocal skill development and choral performance. She has chosen a wonderful selection of songs that will pique our interest and challenge our imaginations as we work together to sing the world better.
Registration and online payment: Please CLICK HERE to register and pay using our online form.
- Regular Rate: $120 (includes GST)
- Host/BCCF Board Rate: $90 (includes GST)
- BCCF Individual Membership – required for all participants: $40

Your registration will include:
- All rehearsals with our clinician, Kellie Walsh
- Welcome reception with light refreshments on Fri. evening, May 23
- Refreshments throughout
- Music scores
- Access to rehearsal tracks for downloading/streaming
- Concert participation on Sat. May 24 at 7:30 pm
Note: Friday evening and Saturday morning rehearsals will be at St. Andrew’s United Church. Saturday afternoon rehearsal and evening concert will be at The Coast Bastion hotel.
These things can be purchased for an additional fee when you register:
- A bag lunch for Saturday noon – $15
Note: We are unable to accommodate dietary restrictions. If you require a special diet, we request that you bring or buy your own food. - Tickets for an After Glow reception (cash bar and appies) following the concert at the Coast Bastion – $20
Note: After Glow tickets may be purchased here for partners, family and friends who may also want to attend the reception. - Concert ticket – $25
An optional add-on for your convenience – ideal for friends and family.
Important Information:
1. Registrants should make their own arrangements for accommodations. There are many hotel options in Nanaimo; however, special rates are available at these hotels:
2. Digital copies of the music scores will be available ahead of time on the BCCF website. Hard copies of the music will be provided when you sign in at Chorfest on May 23. It would be so helpful to the rehearsal process if you would work on the music ahead of time. You will also enjoy the rehearsals more if you come already familiar with it.
This is the repertoire for Sing the World Better:
Sing The World Better – by M. Ennis and D. Gunning, arranged by Leslee Heys
Warrior – by Kim Baryluyk
Sure On This Shining Night – by Morten Lauridsen
JAM! – by Tracy Wong
Across The Sea – by Heather Masse (of the Wailin’ Jennys)
Put A Little Love in Your Heart/Love Train – arranged by Greg Gilpin
3. Photos and videos will be taken during Chorfest. They may be posted and/or shared for promotional purposes. If you have concerns or questions about this, please let us know in advance. Otherwise, we will consider that you have read, understand and consent to this.
4. Have questions or require clarification about any aspect of Chorfest? Please contact Sharon.
Clinician: Kellie Walsh

Kellie Walsh is the founder and Artistic Director of the internationally award-winning Lady Cove, the Artistic Director of the internationally celebrated, Shallaway Youth Choir, co-founder and Artistic Director Emeritus of Newman Sound Men’s Choir, and, most recently, co-founder of the Inuit Youth Choir Ullûgiagatsuk from Nunatsiavut, Labrador. Kellie is also the Past President of Canada’s national choral organization, Choral Canada.
An active guest conductor, speaker, collaborator and innovator, Kellie’s work has brought her across Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the United States, South America, Europe and Asia. As acclaimed as the choirs she conducts, Kellie’s true passion is more profoundly understood by the use of choral music as a medium to unite people and cultures, transcending geography and societal, political and economic circumstances.
From deep and proud roots in Newfoundland and Labrador, she has become known in Canada and internationally for embracing the medium of choral singing as an opportunity to explore leadership potential, sociocultural identity building, reciprocal respectful cultural collaborations, and the transformative impact of choral singing and sharing.