Join us Sept. 18 for a Vocal Spa Day

After a year of singing minimally, we’re vocally rusty! Dr. Julia Davids (co-author of Vocal Technique: A Guide for Conductors, Teachers & Singers) brings four members of her JUNO-nominated Canadian Chamber Choir to help us blow the rust off and get back into condition with vocal warm-ups and reminders of good technique.

Saturday, September 18, 2021
10:30am – Noon PT on Zoom

For individual registration, please click here.
(This workshop is FREE to current BCCF individual members, and to members of pre-registered BCCF choirs: see below). $15 for non-members

If you are the choir President or conductor, use the form below to register your choir. You can choose whether to cover this cost as a service to your singers and a way to keep them engaged; or recoup your costs through donations.
$150 choir registration – click here (Allows any singer in that choir to register free of charge using the individual registration form above.)


Dr. Julia Davids is the Artistic Director of the Canadian Chamber Choir, Canada’s professional level ensemble dedicated to building communities through choral singing. A founding member of the CCC, Julia has led the ensemble on concert and workshop tours of every province. She directed the CCC’s 2010 debut recording In Good Company as well as their Juno-nominated 2015 release Sacred Reflections – A Canadian Mass. Julia has led workshops and master classes for choirs and conductors throughout Canada and the US. She is passionate about mentoring the next generation of choral conductors and is committed to giving emerging and established Canadian composers a forum for their work. A native of London, Ontario, she grew up singing in the Amabile Youth Singers, the Ontario Youth Choir, and the National Youth Choir, for whom she was the first Apprentice Conductor.

Julia is the Stephen J. Hendrickson Professor and Director of Choral Activities at North Park University, Chicago. She directs the University Choir, the Chamber Singers, and teaches choral conducting and music education. Julia is co-author with Stephen LaTour of “Vocal Technique – A Guide for Conductors, Teachers, and Singers” published by Waveland Press in 2012 and winner of Choral Canada’s 2014 award for Best Choral Publication. Julia is the Music Director of the North Shore Choral Society, a 130 voice amateur community choir. She also serves as Director of Music Ministries at Trinity United Methodist Church, Wilmette. Julia earned a Bachelor of Music in Education and a Bachelor of Education at the University of Western Ontario, Master of Music degrees in Conducting and Voice Performance at Michigan University, and a Doctor of Music in Choral Conducting at Northwestern University.