On May 1, 2022, BC’s choral community lost one of its biggest champions. An educator, conductor, volunteer, Willan Council member, and former BC Choral Federation president, Inez St. Dennis was keenly invested in the vocal arts and in those who found joy and purpose in music-making.
Inez St. Dennis was a pillar of the BC Choral Federation (BCCF) and equally a pillar of elementary music education in British Columbia. Donations in her memory came to the BCCF immediately following the announcement of her sudden passing in May 2022 and have continued since then. The decision to establish a permanent memorial fund was made early on, and is now a reality through the Vancouver Foundation. Our goal is to bloom the initial $5,000 in seed money into $10,000, at which point the fund will be fully invested and can begin earning interest.
Special thanks to the committee work of Frances Pollet, Susan Kiddie and Adam Con in naming and creating the parameters of awards that will flow from the fund’s interest revenues in the years ahead.
Dear BCCF Colleagues,

There are so many things we could say about the energy source that was Inez St. Dennis that narrowing them down to a few lines here will be exceedingly difficult. Her energies were boundless, her talents amazing, her sense of humour dazzling, her ability to organize and motivate were legendary!
Probably the first thing most of us learned about her was how to pronounce her name. It’s I-nez, NOT i-NEZ. Rhymes with ‘Your Highness!’ And from the day she first came on scene at BCCF (1979?) it became apparent that this feisty daughter of Ireland by way of ‘Poos Coopey’ was a force to be reckoned with!
Organizer, clinician, teacher, teller of sometimes questionable jokes (pull yourself together) chef, lover of good wine and food are just a handful of the talents that come to my mind.
No task was too intimidating, no deadline too short for Inez to fearlessly step in to save the day. I think about the old saw ‘If you want a job done find a busy person, the other kind have no time.’ I can’t remember how many times projects seemed to be floundering until Inez rode to the rescue snatching success from the jaws of, well, you know!
The delights that emerged from her cluttered kitchen never ceased to amaze and she was always ‘on spot’ with some yummy delight or the other for any meeting, clinic, or even my Daughter’s wedding!
It will be forever impossible to remember Inez and not think of her antipasto. Spawned originally as a fundraiser in the early days of BCCF (when financially, things were not as rosy as they are now.) Inez would create and flog gallons of the stuff…which was quite addictive…witness the bidding frenzy which ensued last year at the fundraising auction when several jars appeared. (They were expensive but tasty!)
Inez was very proud of her Irish Heritage. Her St. Patrick’s Day parties were legendary. So I think it’s appropriate to end this missive with and old Irish blessing near and dear to the heart of every Irishman:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Rest well, dear Inez. We know there will be sweeter music in heaven now that you’re conducting the Heavenly choir… and serving muffins at the break.
Ed Schneider
May 3, 2022
To share a memory, please do so in the guestbook below.
I never met Inez St. Dennis. But, as a fellow educator at UVIC, after reading the heartfelt honouring of who she was as an educator and her passion for music and her students, I felt compelled to “serenade” her spirit here.
I acknowledge this compassionate, erudite soul who offered her life’s energy, love and passion for the advancement of music and the educating of lives within the academy and the larger community; her legacy being the richest endowment of students’ love for music and the passionate enhancement of their musical repertoire! What an exemplary educator who actively engaged students in “embodied” learning…infusing mind, body and spirit…education from the inside out!
I lovingly bow to her essence, educational finesse and compassion…a resplendent example for current and future educators. And now, may she infuse the angels with her magic touch and jour de vivre!
Dr.Shanti Persaud (EPLS, Faculty of Ed.)
No last class before the holidays will run without "Inez cookies" and no "complaints of life" from students won't be listened when Inez is there. For the past two years, just like everyone else, Inez was scrambling everything together to be able to teach courses online, even with extremely short notice. I remember at the beginning of Covid, I will go visit her at the office every Monday afternoon before my in-person piano lesson on campus and listen to her rant about technology not behaving. "Look at this hunk of junk...! If even I can tell this computer is a hunk of junk, then it's really bad." But she still continued to try everything in her power to deliver as much as she can to us teacher-to-be's. Her willingness to learn new stuff, the never-ending energy in classrooms, and her openness as a "choir grandma" will never be forgotten. When I went to say hello to her one day, she was buried in loads of marking, prepping for class, and coordinating the MERR; after her usual snack offering with her homegrown veggie and cookies, she said "Do you know what day it is? 50 years ago, I taught my first elementary class on this day! Now look at me, in front of the class for 5 decades and I'm still going! I was SUPPOSED to be retired years ago, guess I'll never get that then." The pure joy and pride on her face, I can never forget.
I was sent to do extra observations in elementary schools during my second year of undergrad, knowing me have never been to a Canadian elementary school before, Inez took me there on my first observation day and stayed with me for the entire afternoon. Before Covid hit, I was putting my small church choir back together in shape for Christmas, Inez has kindly offered to do a workshop for us during advent, and we went into shutdown days before that. We were talking about it later and Inez said "we'll get to it when we're back to normal"......
Every great thing will come to an end, at the very last. Rest well, Inez. It's finally your turn to rest, and have us carry on all the great work you have done for the last half of a century.
This anecdote epitomizes what Inez was for the BCCF. She took on tasks and filled needs without hesitation time and time again, sometimes as President, sometimes as ‘Pissed-President’, sometimes as just Inez. As one of the triumvirate of Joyce Maguire, Brigid Coult and Inez (rhymes with ‘your highness’), for over forty years she played different and major parts in ensuring that the BCCF became established, and remains to this day, as a flourishing, well-run organization serving the needs and aspirations of choral music groups throughout the province.
But Inez was more than BCCF – teacher of kindergarten to university level students; mentor to so many; entertainer (“I'm not making this up, you know!”). She was a volunteer extraordinaire (at her church, seniors' organizations, performing arts festivals, choirs, and a host of others). She espoused 'causes' and supported charities. When teaching at the elementary level, on several occasions, and to the delight of her students, Inez had her head shaved to support cancer research and the “Tour de Rock” bike ride the length of Vancouver Island. (Little did they know that at home she would 'wear' a tea cozy to keep her head warm.)
Inez always had time for family and friends; she rejoiced in their accomplishments, upheld them in times of trouble or sorrow, and was always ready to lend a hand to support their endeavours. In the words of Roy Lessin, “When a stone is dropped into a lake, it quickly disappears from sight, but its impact leaves behind a series of ripples that broaden and reach across the water.” We have been blessed in being able to call Inez a dear friend.
She taught me one of my favorite songs that I will use with students every October, Jack'o'lantern.
Ever kind, welcoming and joyful, Inez, we will treasure you always.