BEST PRACTICES The actual wording of the Provincial Health Order calls for verifying every customer’s proof of vaccination when they enter a business or event, and it applies to many categories, including indoor organized group recreational classes and activities with more than 50 people – for example, pottery studios, art classes or choir rehearsals. The […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 resources for choirs
Join us Sept. 18 for a Vocal Spa Day
After a year of singing minimally, we’re vocally rusty! Dr. Julia Davids (co-author of Vocal Technique: A Guide for Conductors, Teachers & Singers) brings four members of her JUNO-nominated Canadian Chamber Choir to help us blow the rust off and get back into condition with vocal warm-ups and reminders of good technique. Saturday, September 18, […]
Read MoreBoard Biz session Aug. 25. Submit your questions!
Join us for a session on basic choir governance concerns. Do we have to have a Board, and why? How do we bring people on to the choir Board? Why is it so hard to keep people on the Board? How can it be made more appealing?….and many other issues Brigid Coult, BCCF Project Manager, […]
Read MoreBCCF debuts Choral Shorts video series
A brand new video series showcasing the expertise and ideas of choral luminaries from around British Columbia. From vocal technique to digital technology, you’ll find much to learn from this hand-picked array of hometown experts – all of whom have graciously gifted this content to us. HOW TO DO A DRIVE-IN CHOIRwith Wendy Nixon Stothert Go […]
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